Ownership or access to facilities. Copy of title deed, lease agreement
or offer of lease for warehouse and site, whichever is applicable.
Accessible location throughout the year.
Fit for purpose (in this case storing Maize, Beans, Coffee, Wheat, Sorghum, Millet and Cotton).
Soundly constructed, durable material, fully enclosed, adequately roofed
to prevent leakage and access by birds and rodents. An Occupation
Permit must be provided.
Adequate and well maintained drainage; sufficient clean hard standing at
warehouse entrance to minimise seepage of water and mud into the
Ablution ancillary (Workers changing rooms, sanitary and sanitation facilities).
Clean and covered area for sampling and grading before deposit or rejection.
Warehouse has adequate lighting to allow visibility especially when for grading.
Even floor with no or all cracks repaired. Floor joints fully filled with a mixture of bitumen, sand and cement.
Maximum Security with guards available day and night, warehouse lockable
and entire area enclosed either by chain link or perimeter wall fence.
No previous storage of prohibited goods that may taint, contaminate,
infest or transmit diseases like Radiation agents, Herbicides,
Pesticides, Fuels, Acaracides and Tobacco.
Each warehouse should be identified by name, initial or number securely affixed thereto (Marked).
Where compartments exist they must be labelled clearly to show the space
covered by each number. e.g space size and storage capacity.
All electrical switches, sockets, wiring, lighting, etc, conform to relevant fire/safety regulations and sighted (well clear of the stored material or where stocks will be stored).
Plan of warehouse(s) available and lodged with the Authority. Plan
should identify storage space, office location, grading area, and
equipment including scales.
Scales of adequate number and suitable types/sizes available and must be inspected and approved by UNBS.
Check weights available for the range of weights normally measured.
Have a minimum of two (2) internet enabled computers and peripherals.
Suitable and adequate Equipment for Sampling and Grading of inbound/outbound Commodities.
Adequate fire fighting equipment and materials installed.
Cleaning and drying facility available, and Warehouse Keeper (WK) ready to offer service to depositors.
Capacity to handle 50mt/day or more, assuming 18 to13% moisture content.
Adequate storage space of minimum 1,000MTs as per WRS Regulations 2007.
Clear procedures for ensuring effective operation (Handling & Management Manuals).
Fumigation capacity and availability of licensed fumigators.