A statement giving particulars of
the applicant’s proposals with respect to the employment
and training of citizens of Uganda, and may set out any
other matter which the applicant wishes the Minister to
A statement giving particulars of
work and the minimum expenditure proposed for the block
or blocks over which the license is sought.
Fiscal Production Sharing Agreement with Government of Uganda.
Identify the block or blocks in respect of which the application is made.
In the case of a body corporate, its name and place of
incorporation, the names and nationality of the
directors or equivalent officers and, if the body.
corporate has share capital, the name of any person
who is the beneficial owner of more than five percent
of the issued share capital.
In the case of an individual, his or her full name and
Information on the financial status and the technical
and industrial competence and experience of the applicant.
The applicant shall make arrangements as may be satisfactory to the
Minister for the execution of a bond or other form of
security for the performance and observance of the
conditions to which the license may be subject.
The applicant shall take the necessary insurance policies to protect against
liabilities that may arise as a result of activities done under
the petroleum exploration license.