Legal Basis: National Drug Policy and Authority Act, Cap. 206. The National Drug Policy and Authority (Conduct of Ectoparasiticides Field Trials) Regulations, 2014.
The field trial protocol in the format in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.
Evidence of approval to conduct the field trial, granted by the Uganda National Council of Science and Technology.
The principal investigator’s brochure or prescribing information data sheet in the format in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.
A declaration by the principal investigator in Form 41 in Schedule 1 to these Regulations.
A declaration by the principal investigator, in the format in Schedule 2 to these Regulations, where the principal investigator is a research institution or organization.
The information to be provided to the owners of the animals to be used in the field trial and the written consent forms of the owners.
Evidence of insurance of the animals to be used in the field trial and indemnity for the principal investigator.
The prescribed fees.
Any other requirement as may be determined by the Authority.